Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mechanical Cloud

Sometimes the best way to jumpstart yourself is to simply let a doodle keep going until it congeals into something new. This is "Mechanical Cloud" (11X14, micron pen on paper). I find myself doing these more and more lately. It's a little tough getting these shots on here, because i don't have a scanner so they have to be photographed and then uploaded.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Zen Dudes Poster/ Roger Corman Revivalist

This is probably the first useful implementation of photoshop/illustrator for me in a while. It's amazing how much more you learn when there is a point towhat you are doing. The sea monster is taken from a Roger Corman poster for a movie called 'Creature from the Haunted Sea.' The fonts I found on, and I got a bunch of brushes from bittbox. I forgot Conors last name so I improvised 'with the drums' and gave everyone else an alias to make it even.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I have a lot of shots from Nantucket, MA, but these two are my favorites.

Damian Hirsch

The colorful divisions on the face are the result of Photoshop experimentation. Damian Hirsch is the artist who actually made this object. It's called 'For the Love of God' and its made of platinum and encrusted completely with diamonds. My design here is called 'Damian Hirsch.'

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Self Portrait, October 08

This is what my skull looks like.


This drawing is the base for my new painting. i'm kind of coming from the other side in terms of creative approach in comparison to Monster(October), which was completely improvised. So far I'm using only titanium white and black india ink.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

This is a piece I did for someone for their daughters graduation. She really liked frogs, so I used an image of a tree frog to make this 'King of the Pond.' It's sized 10X10 and was done in acrylic.